"A Community that SWEATS Together, STAYS Together."

We want to provide a safe, encouraging, and positive environment for adults, kids, and athletes of all ages to learn, improve, and reach their health and fitness goals. Most importantly we want to be a place that people leave healthier and happier than when they walked in.

Details for the 90 Day Challenge

Hello Everyone,

Below is the list of who we have signed up for the 90 day challenge

starting next week. We are cutting it really close for having enough to get the Pod out,

so if you know of anyone that would be interested in losing some weight or if your name is not

on the list and you are planning on doing it please let us know. This

Pod is a really cool deal and a great opportunity to get a truly

accurate reading of your measurements. The details for the 90

challenge are listed below. Please remember that we are not requiring

you to do Paleo this go around, so if you have any questions regarding

nutrition, please feel free to ask us.

Below are the ones that are in for sure...

Julie C. Lisa G. Ryan A. Trish B. Tammy H. Shannon M.

Sheri R. Mellissa M. Josh M. Susie J. Lori V. Tina K. Loni W.

Evelyn M. Angela V. Dina C. Bobbi G. Mark G. Teresa T.

Listed Below are the ones that are still on the fence...

Roger V. Julie T. Louisa P. Crystal J. Mariana Tami T.

We have to get to 20 participants for the POD to be brought out and we

are sitting at 19 with 6 on the fence. Lets rally the troops and get

in another 5 or 6, so we don't have to worry. Below are all the

details for the challenge; remember that you don't have to go strict

paleo to make this work. There are other options.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions and lets get

this summer kicked off on the right foot.

May 20th             Challenge Begins
May 20th-22nd     Photos, Physical and Pod Testing
July 10th             Halfway Celebration, Nutritional Support, and Potluck  (No Classes)
August 14th-16th  Photos, Physical and Pod Testing
August 17th         Hagg Lake “Get Fit 2013” Celebration with Winner Announced

v  Eat Paleo
  • Standard Paleo: meat, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds
  • Paleo+Dairy: milk, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese
v  Train 3 X week
v  Performance Tests (before and after)
v  Photos (before and after)
v  Cost
  •  $50 Pod (The most advanced and precise system for measuring body fat and muscle mass) for further Pod details please visit http://portlandbodpod.com/
  • $10 Buy-in 
Performance Tests:
v  CrossFit Total (max weight in Back Squat, Press, Deadlift)
v  1,000m Row for time
v  Max Reps Pullups
v  4 Rounds: 200m run, 10 power cleans, 10 pushups

v  $200 to the BCF Winner who achieves highest net muscle mass gain and fat loss.
v  Opportunity to win an additional cash prize for the over all Portland Area Crossfit FITGPA’s 90 Day Challenge 2013
v  Undying fame & respect from your peers, longer life span, confidence, more energy, & new way of life